
X-Ray test in Thane

List of X-Ray test in Thane

Name Cost range
1 ALL XRAY (PER SHOUT) 300.00-300.00
3 Dexa Scan 2500.00-2500.00
4 DIGITAL X - RAY BARIUM I.C REGION 1700.00-1700.00
5 DIGITAL X - RAY BARIUM M F T 2000.00-2000.00
6 DIGITAL X - RAY BARIUM STO & DUO 2700.00-2700.00
7 DMD / BMD-79 exons Deletion / Duplication Analysis MLPA Blood 11500.00-11500.00
9 X - RAY DEVELOPER 100.00-100.00
10 X - RAY FOOT JOINT AP/LAT 600.00-600.00
11 X - RAY HAND JOINT AP/LAT 600.00-600.00
12 X - RAY HEEL JOINT AP/LAT 600.00-600.00
13 X - RAY JUDET LT VIEW 300.00-300.00
14 X - RAY JUDET RT VIEW 300.00-300.00
15 X - RAY NASAL PHARYNX 500.00-500.00
16 X - RAY PALM 300.00-300.00
17 X - RAY PBH AP SPINE AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
18 X - RAY PNS (BOTH VIEW) 800.00-800.00
19 X - RAY SACRUM & COCCYX SPINE AP/LAT 800.00-800.00
20 X - RAY SCAPULA 500.00-500.00
21 X - RAY SKYLINE 500.00-500.00
23 X - RAY TOWNJ 300.00-300.00
24 X And Y (Sex Mismatch) by FISH Bone Marrow Transplant Blood 4100.00-4100.00
25 X RAY - DOUBLE EXPOSURE 600.00-800.00
26 X RAY - SINOGRAM / FISTULOGRAM 3500.00-3500.00
27 X RAY ADENOIDS 320.00-320.00
28 X RAY BOTH HAND AP AND OBLIQUE 1120.00-1120.00
29 X RAY BOTH HEEL AP VIEW 400.00-400.00
30 X RAY CHEST (LORDOTIC VIEW) 300.00-350.00
31 X RAY LEFT SCAPULA AP 320.00-320.00
32 X-RAY 300.00-300.00
33 X-Ray - Abdomen Standing 250.00-400.00
34 X-Ray - Abdomen Standing AP 320.00-320.00
35 X-Ray - Abdomen Standing PA 320.00-320.00
36 X-Ray - ANKLE AP 300.00-400.00
37 X-Ray - ANKLE AP/LAT 500.00-720.00
38 X-Ray - Ankle Lat 300.00-400.00
39 X-Ray - ANYJOINT AP/LAT 500.00-500.00
40 X-RAY - AP / LAT JOINT EXTREMITY 600.00-800.00
41 X-RAY - AP / LAT SPINE 600.00-800.00
42 X-Ray - Barium Enema 2400.00-4000.00
43 X-Ray - Both EMUR AP & Lateral View 600.00-600.00
44 X-Ray - Both Foot AP/Lat 800.00-800.00
45 X-Ray - Both Hand AP 400.00-400.00
46 X-Ray - BOTH KNEE JOINTS AP/LAT 1000.00-1000.00
47 X-Ray - BOTH KNEE OBLIQUE 640.00-640.00
48 X-RAY - BOTH LEG AP VIEW 400.00-640.00
49 X-Ray - BOTH LOWER LIMB AP AND LAT 1120.00-1120.00
50 X-Ray - BOTH SHOULDER AP 300.00-600.00
51 X-Ray - Both Shoulder AP Lat 800.00-1200.00
52 X-RAY - CALCANIUM 320.00-320.00
53 X-Ray - CALCANIUM AP/LAT 600.00-600.00
54 X-Ray - CEPHALOGRAM 400.00-400.00
55 X-Ray - Cervical Spine (lat) 300.00-300.00
56 X-Ray - CERVICAL SPINE BOTH OBLIQUE 600.00-600.00
57 X-Ray - CHEST AP 320.00-400.00
58 X-RAY - CHEST AP/LAT 600.00-720.00
59 X-RAY - CHEST LAT VIEW 250.00-250.00
60 X-Ray - Chest Oblique Left 320.00-320.00
61 X-Ray - Chest Oblique Right 320.00-320.00
62 X-Ray - COCCYX AP 250.00-320.00
63 X-Ray - COCCYX AP AND LAT 640.00-640.00
64 X-Ray - COCCYX LAT 250.00-320.00
65 X-Ray - COLOGRAM 1600.00-1600.00
66 X-Ray - DISTAL COLOGRAM 1440.00-1440.00
67 X-Ray - Dorsal spine (lat) 300.00-300.00
68 X-Ray - DORSAL SPINE /D/L SPINE 600.00-600.00
69 X-Ray - DRU 2000.00-2000.00
70 X-Ray - Femur -AP 250.00-250.00
71 X-Ray - Femur AP/Lat 560.00-600.00
72 X-Ray - Foot 280.00-280.00
73 X-Ray - FOOT AP/OBLIQUE 600.00-600.00
74 X-RAY - FOOT LEFT AP/LAT 500.00-500.00
75 X-Ray - FOOT RIGHT AP 250.00-250.00
76 X-RAY - FOOT RIGHT OBLIQUE 250.00-250.00
77 X-RAY - FOREARM 280.00-280.00
78 X-RAY - HAND LEFT AP/LAT 500.00-500.00
79 X-RAY - HAND RIGHT AP/LAT 500.00-500.00
80 X-Ray - HIP JOINT AP/LAT 600.00-600.00
81 X-RAY - knee Skyline patella 320.00-320.00
82 X-RAY - KUB / ABDOMEN 300.00-300.00
83 X-Ray - L S Spine Ap 300.00-300.00
84 X-Ray - L S SPINE FLEXION AND EXTENSION 640.00-640.00
85 X-Ray - L S SPINE LAT 300.00-300.00
86 X-RAY - LEFT ARM AP 320.00-320.00
87 X-RAY - LEFT ARM LAT 320.00-320.00
88 X-RAY - LEFT FOOT AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
89 X-RAY - LEFT ORBIT AP/LAT 640.00-640.00
90 X-Ray - LEG AP/LAT 500.00-600.00
91 X-Ray - LEG LEFT AP 250.00-250.00
92 X-Ray - LEG LEFT LAT 250.00-250.00
93 X-Ray - LEG RIGHT AP 250.00-250.00
94 X-RAY - Leg right AP LAT 500.00-500.00
95 X-RAY - Lower Leg AP/Lat 600.00-600.00
96 X-Ray - Lumber Spine AP/Lat 720.00-720.00
97 X-Ray - Mastoid Left 300.00-700.00
98 X-Ray - Mastoids Both 300.00-500.00
99 X-Ray - Nasal Bones 320.00-320.00
100 X-RAY - NECK AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
101 X-Ray - Neck Ap/ Lat 400.00-500.00
102 X-RAY - NECK LAT VIEW 320.00-320.00
104 X-Ray - Neck Soft Tissue 320.00-320.00
105 X-Ray - Neck- LAT 250.00-320.00
106 X-Ray - ORBIT 300.00-300.00
107 X-Ray - ORBIT AP AND LAT 640.00-640.00
108 X-Ray - Paranasal Sinuses Water and Caldwel Views 640.00-640.00
109 X-Ray - Paranasal Sinuses Water View 320.00-320.00
110 X-Ray - PNS(CARDWELL) 300.00-300.00
111 X-RAY - RIGHT ELBOW AP 320.00-320.00
112 X-RAY - RIGHT FEMUR AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
113 X-RAY - RIGHT ORBIT AP/LAT 640.00-640.00
114 X-Ray - RIGHT SCAPULA AP 320.00-320.00
115 X-RAY - RIGHT WRIST AP 320.00-320.00
116 X-Ray - RIGHT WRIST OBLIQUE 320.00-320.00
117 X-RAY - RT HAND AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
118 X-Ray - Scanogram 1280.00-2500.00
119 X-RAY - SINOGRAM 960.00-3500.00
120 X-Ray - SKULL AP 250.00-320.00
121 X-Ray - Skull Ap or Lat 600.00-600.00
122 X-RAY - SKULL LATERAL VIEW 250.00-320.00
123 X-Ray - SKULL TOWNES VIEW 280.00-300.00
124 X-Ray - Urethrogram 1500.00-3200.00
125 X-RAY - UROTHOGRAPHY 3500.00-3500.00
126 X-RAY - WHOLE SPINE AP/LAT 2160.00-2160.00
127 X-RAY - WRIST LEFT AP/LAT 500.00-500.00
128 X-RAY - WRIST RIGHT AP/LAT 500.00-500.00
129 X-RAY Abd Vertical AP View 320.00-320.00
130 X-RAY ABDOMEN 300.00-600.00
131 X-RAY ABDOMEN AP 300.00-300.00
132 X-RAY ABDOMEN AP VIEW 250.00-450.00
133 X-RAY ABDOMEN ERECT 320.00-450.00
134 X-RAY Abdomen Erect And Lat 640.00-640.00
135 X-RAY ABDUCTION 300.00-300.00
136 X-RAY ADDUCTION 300.00-300.00
137 X-RAY ANKLE JOINT OBL 350.00-350.00
138 X-RAY ANKLE OBLIQUE 300.00-400.00
139 X-RAY ARU 3200.00-3200.00
140 X-Ray Ascending Pyelography 3500.00-3500.00
141 X-RAY Axillary 320.00-320.00
142 X-RAY B/L ANKLE JT. AP/LAT 1400.00-1400.00
143 X-RAY B/L KNEE JOINTS - SKYLINE VIEW 700.00-700.00
144 X-RAY B/L TIBIA FIBULA AP/LAT 1400.00-1400.00
145 X-RAY BARIUM MEAL 3000.00-4000.00
147 X-RAY BARIUM SWALLOW 2500.00-4000.00
148 X-RAY Bilateral Ankle AP and Lateral view 1120.00-1120.00
149 X-RAY Bilateral Knee AP and Lateral Views 1120.00-1120.00
150 X-RAY Bilateral Knee Standing View 640.00-640.00
151 X-RAY Bilateral Mastoids 640.00-640.00
152 X-RAY Bilateral MCU 2160.00-2160.00
153 X-RAY Bilateral Thumb AP and Oblique view 1120.00-1120.00
154 X-RAY BMFT 3000.00-3500.00
155 X-RAY Both Elbow and wrist AP view 640.00-640.00
156 X-RAY Both Ankle AP and Lat view 1120.00-1120.00
157 X-RAY Both Ankle AP View 640.00-640.00
158 X-RAY BOTH ANKLE AP/LAT 1200.00-1200.00
159 X-RAY BOTH ANKLE JOINT 1200.00-1200.00
160 X-RAY Both Ankle Lat View 640.00-640.00
161 X-RAY BOTH ELBOW LAT VIEW 400.00-640.00
162 X-Ray Both Feet AP & Oblique 600.00-600.00
163 X-RAY BOTH FEET AP/LAT VIEW 1400.00-1400.00
164 X-RAY BOTH FEMUR 500.00-500.00
165 X-RAY Both Femur AP View 640.00-640.00
166 X-RAY Both Foot and Ankle 1120.00-1120.00
167 X-RAY Both Foot AP and Lat 1120.00-1120.00
168 X-RAY BOTH HAND PA 640.00-640.00
169 X-RAY Both Hand with Wrist AP and Oblique View 1120.00-1120.00
170 X-RAY Both Hand with Wrist AP view 640.00-640.00
171 X-RAY Both Heel AP and Lateral View 960.00-960.00
172 X-RAY Both Heel Lat and Axillary View 1120.00-1120.00
173 X-RAY BOTH HEELS 1400.00-1400.00
174 X-RAY BOTH HIP AP 500.00-900.00
175 X-RAY BOTH HIP AP/LAT 640.00-1400.00
176 X-Ray Both Hip Joints AP & Frog View 600.00-600.00
177 X-RAY BOTH HIPS LATERAL 700.00-700.00
178 X-RAY BOTH HUMERI 500.00-500.00
179 X-RAY BOTH KNEE (AP/LAT VIEW) 1400.00-1400.00
180 X-RAY BOTH KNEE LAT VIEW 400.00-640.00
181 X-RAY BOTH KNEES AP 700.00-700.00
182 X-RAY Both Leg Ap And Lat 1120.00-1120.00
183 X-RAY BOTH LEG AP/LAT 800.00-800.00
184 X-RAY BOTH S.I JOINT AP 640.00-640.00
185 X-RAY Both Shoulder AP and LAT 1120.00-1120.00
186 X-RAY BOTH SHOULDER AP VIEW 640.00-640.00
188 X-RAY Both shoulder la view 640.00-640.00
189 X-RAY BOTH SHOULDER LAT 600.00-600.00
190 X-RAY BOTH SHOULDERS AP 700.00-700.00
191 X-RAY Both T M Joint AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
192 X-RAY BOTH WRIST AP VIEW 400.00-640.00
193 X-RAY BOTH WRISTS AP/LAT 1400.00-1400.00
194 X-RAY Brain 320.00-320.00
195 X-RAY C.S SPINE / DORSAL SPINE / LS SPINE (ANY) 600.00-600.00
196 X-RAY CERVICAL SPINE AP 300.00-350.00
197 X-RAY Cervical Spine AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
198 X-RAY CERVICAL SPINE AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
199 X-RAY CERVICAL SPINE AP/LAT 500.00-800.00
201 X-Ray Cervical Spine Localised View 600.00-600.00
204 X-RAY Cervival Spine Flex Ext 640.00-640.00
205 X-RAY CHEST 250.00-400.00
206 X-RAY Chest AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
207 X-RAY Chest lardodic view 320.00-320.00
208 X-RAY CHEST OBLIQUE 350.00-350.00
209 X-RAY CHEST PA/OBLIQUE 700.00-700.00
210 X-RAY CHEST POST CABG 200.00-200.00
211 X-RAY CLAVICLE 350.00-350.00
212 X-RAY CLAVICLE AP/LAT 600.00-600.00
213 X-RAY CONED DOWN VIEW LS. SPINE(LAT) 350.00-350.00
214 X-RAY D-L SPINE AP/LAT VIEW 700.00-700.00
215 X-RAY Decrocystography 960.00-960.00
216 X-Ray Dorsal - Spine EXT & Flexion 600.00-600.00
217 X-RAY Dorsal Spine AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
218 X-RAY DORSAL SPINE AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
219 X-RAY DORSAL SPINE LAT VIEW 320.00-320.00
220 X-RAY DORSAL SPINE RT.OBL/LT.OBL 700.00-700.00
221 X-RAY Dorsolumbar Spine AP and Lat 640.00-640.00
222 X-RAY Dorsolumbar Spine Ap View 320.00-320.00
223 X-RAY Dorsolumbar Spine Oblique 320.00-320.00
224 X-RAY Dorsolumber Spine Lat View 320.00-320.00
225 X-RAY DOUBLE VIEW 560.00-560.00
226 X-Ray DYE Syudies Of GI Tract 2700.00-2700.00
227 X-RAY Enema Contrast 2160.00-2160.00
228 X-Ray Extra Film 250.00-250.00
229 X-RAY Face AP and Lat 640.00-640.00
230 X-RAY Face Pa View 320.00-320.00
231 X-RAY FEMUR AP/LAT VIEW 700.00-700.00
232 X-RAY FINGER AP/LAT 600.00-600.00
233 X-RAY Fingure Ap and lat 640.00-640.00
234 X-RAY FISTULA 1000.00-3500.00
235 X-RAY FOOT AP/LAT 500.00-720.00
236 X-RAY FOOT OBLIQUE 300.00-300.00
237 X-RAY FOREARM AP & LATERAL VIEW 600.00-700.00
238 X-RAY FOREARM LEFT AP 250.00-250.00
239 X-RAY FOREARM LEFT AP + LAT 500.00-500.00
240 X-RAY FOREARM RIGHT AP 250.00-250.00
241 X-RAY FOREARM RIGHT AP + LAT 500.00-500.00
242 X-RAY HAND AP 350.00-350.00
243 X-RAY HAND AP/LAT 500.00-720.00
244 X-RAY HEEL 700.00-700.00
245 X-RAY HEEL AP/LAT 500.00-600.00
246 X-RAY HIP AP 250.00-250.00
247 X-RAY HIP AP/LAT 600.00-600.00
248 X-Ray Hip Joints AP View 300.00-300.00
249 X-Ray Hip Joints AP View Left 600.00-600.00
250 X-Ray Hip Joints AP View Right 300.00-300.00
251 X-RAY Hip Jt AP 300.00-300.00
252 X-RAY HIP LATERAL 350.00-350.00
253 X-RAY HIP LEFT - AP 250.00-250.00
254 X-RAY HIP WITH FEMUR 300.00-300.00
255 X-RAY HSG 2700.00-4500.00
256 X-RAY HUMERUS AP/LAT 600.00-700.00
257 X-RAY JOINT AP / LATERAL (ANY) 600.00-600.00
258 X-RAY KNEE JOINT AP 350.00-350.00
259 X-RAY KNEE JOINT SKYLINE 350.00-350.00
260 X-Ray Knee Joints AP & LAT (Rt or Lt) 600.00-600.00
261 X-RAY Knee Rosenberg Or Tunnel View 640.00-640.00
262 X-RAY KUB 250.00-700.00
263 X-Ray L / S Spine AP/LAT 500.00-600.00
264 X-RAY L-S SPINE OBLIQUE VIEW 350.00-350.00
265 X-Ray L.S. Spine EXT & Flexion 600.00-600.00
266 X-RAY Left Ankle AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
267 X-RAY Left ankle morlis 320.00-320.00
268 X-RAY Left Ankle Oblique 320.00-320.00
269 X-RAY Left Arm AP and Lateral view 640.00-640.00
270 X-RAY LEFT CLAVICLE AP 320.00-320.00
272 X-RAY Left Elbow AP and Lat View 640.00-640.00
273 X-RAY LEFT ELBOW AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
274 X-RAY Left Femur AP and Lat View 640.00-640.00
275 X-RAY Left Finger AP and Lat 640.00-640.00
276 X-RAY Left Foeram with Elbow 640.00-640.00
277 X-RAY Left Foot AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
278 X-RAY Left Foot AP And Oblique 640.00-640.00
279 X-RAY LEFT FOOT LAT VIEW 320.00-320.00
280 X-RAY LEFT FOOT OBLIQUE VIEW 320.00-320.00
281 X-RAY Left Forearm AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
282 X-RAY Left forum ap and lat 640.00-640.00
283 X-RAY Left Hand AP and Lateral view 640.00-640.00
284 X-RAY LEFT HAND AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
285 X-RAY LEFT HAND LAT VIEW 320.00-320.00
286 X-RAY Left Hand Oblidque and AP view 640.00-640.00
287 X-RAY Left Heel AP and Lateral view 640.00-640.00
288 X-RAY Left Heel Lat View 320.00-320.00
289 X-RAY Left Hip AP and Lat View 640.00-640.00
290 X-RAY LEFT HIP AP/LAT 700.00-700.00
291 X-RAY Left Hip Jt AP View 320.00-320.00
292 X-RAY Left Hip Lat View 320.00-320.00
293 X-RAY Left hip Oblique view 320.00-320.00
294 X-RAY Left Knee Lateral View 320.00-320.00
295 X-RAY Left Leg AP and Lat View 640.00-640.00
296 X-RAY Left Little Finger AP Lateral 640.00-640.00
297 X-RAY Left Lower rib AP 320.00-320.00
298 X-RAY Left Mandible AP and Oblique 640.00-640.00
299 X-RAY Left Oblique 320.00-320.00
300 X-Ray Left Orbit 300.00-300.00
301 X-RAY Left Shoulder AP and Lateral Views 640.00-640.00
302 X-RAY Left Shoulder AP and Oblique 640.00-640.00
303 X-RAY LEFT SHOULDER AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
304 X-RAY Left Shoulder axila View 320.00-320.00
305 X-RAY Left Shoulder Lateral View 320.00-320.00
306 X-RAY Left Shoulder oblique 320.00-320.00
307 X-RAY Left Shoulder Scapula 320.00-320.00
308 X-RAY LEFT THIGH AP AND LAT VIEW 640.00-640.00
309 X-RAY LEFT THIGH AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
310 X-RAY Left Thumb AP and LAT 640.00-640.00
311 X-RAY Left Thumb Ap Lat Oblique 880.00-880.00
312 X-RAY LEFT TIBIA AP LA 640.00-640.00
313 X-RAY Left Wrist AP and Lat 640.00-640.00
314 X-RAY Left Wrist AP and Lat View 640.00-640.00
315 X-RAY LEFT WRIST AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
316 X-RAY Left Wrist Lest Oblique 320.00-320.00
317 X-RAY Left Wrist Right Oblique 320.00-320.00
318 X-RAY LEG (TIBIA & FIBULA) AP/LAT 700.00-700.00
319 X-RAY LEG WITH ANKLE AP/LAT 700.00-700.00
320 X-RAY Let elbow lat 320.00-320.00
321 X-RAY Lower Limb Ankle 500.00-500.00
322 X-RAY Lower Limb Foot 500.00-500.00
323 X-RAY LS Spine AP and Lateral Veiw 640.00-640.00
324 X-RAY LS SPINE AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
326 X-RAY LS. SPINE RT & LT OBLIQUE 700.00-700.00
327 X-RAY LS. SPINE RT.OBL/LT.OBL 700.00-700.00
328 X-RAY Lumbar Spine AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
330 X-RAY LUMBAR SPINE FLEXION 300.00-400.00
331 X-RAY Lumbar Spine Flexion and Extension 640.00-640.00
332 X-RAY Lumbar Spine Lat View 320.00-320.00
333 X-Ray Lumber Spinal AP & Lateral 350.00-350.00
334 X-RAY Lumber spine Ap 320.00-320.00
335 X-RAY Lumber Spine Both Oblique 640.00-640.00
336 X-RAY Lumber Spine Flex Ext 640.00-640.00
337 X-RAY Lumber Spine Oblique 320.00-320.00
338 X-RAY LUMBO-SACRAL SPINE AP & LAT 800.00-800.00
339 X-RAY MANDIBLE AP LA 640.00-640.00
340 X-RAY MANDIBLE AP/LAT 400.00-700.00
341 X-RAY Mandible Both Lateral 640.00-640.00
342 X-RAY MANDIBLE PA VIEW 250.00-250.00
343 X-RAY Mastoid AP and LAT 640.00-640.00
344 X-Ray Mastoids Right Or Left 300.00-300.00
345 X-RAY MIDDLE FINGER AP AND LAT 640.00-640.00
346 X-RAY NASAL BONE 300.00-600.00
347 X-RAY Nasal Bone AP and LAT 640.00-640.00
348 X-RAY Nasopharynx ap and lateral view 640.00-640.00
349 X-RAY NASOPHARYNX LAT 350.00-350.00
350 X-RAY NECK 500.00-700.00
351 X-RAY NECK AP AND LAT 640.00-640.00
352 X-RAY ORBIT AP/LAT 500.00-700.00
353 X-RAY PBH (PELVIS WITH BOTH HIPS) 450.00-450.00
354 X-RAY PBH AP AND LAT 640.00-640.00
355 X-RAY PBH AP and Lateral Views 640.00-640.00
356 X-RAY PBH FROG AP/LAT 560.00-560.00
357 X-RAY PELVIMETRY 800.00-800.00
358 X-RAY PELVIS AP 250.00-300.00
359 X-RAY PELVIS PA 250.00-250.00
360 X-RAY Pelvis with both hip jiont 640.00-640.00
361 X-Ray Percutanous Pyelography 1800.00-1800.00
362 X-RAY PNS 250.00-600.00
363 X-RAY PNS - Couded 280.00-400.00
364 X-RAY PNS -Walter`S & Couded 500.00-700.00
365 X-RAY PNS -WATER`S & Couded 560.00-560.00
366 X-RAY PNS AP AND LATERAL 640.00-640.00
367 X-RAY RCU 3200.00-3200.00
368 X-RAY RIBCAGE 500.00-560.00
369 X-Ray Ribs- Oblique Rt. Or LT 300.00-300.00
370 X-RAY Right Ankel Lat 320.00-320.00
371 X-RAY Right Ankle AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
372 X-RAY Right Ankle LAT 320.00-320.00
373 X-RAY Right Ankle Oblique 320.00-320.00
374 X-RAY RIGHT CHEST OBLIQUE 320.00-320.00
375 X-RAY Right Clavicle Ap And Lateral View 640.00-640.00
376 X-RAY RIGHT CLAVICLE AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
377 X-RAY Right Elbow AP and Lat View 640.00-640.00
378 X-RAY Right Femur AP and Lat View 640.00-640.00
379 X-RAY Right Foot AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
380 X-RAY Right Foot AP View 320.00-320.00
381 X-RAY RIGHT FOOT LAT VIEW 320.00-320.00
382 X-RAY Right Foot oblique 320.00-320.00
383 X-RAY Right Forearm AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
384 X-RAY Right Hand AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
386 X-RAY RIGHT HAND AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
387 X-RAY Right Hand Middle Finger AP and LAt 640.00-640.00
388 X-RAY RIGHT HEEL AP AND LAT 640.00-640.00
389 X-RAY Right Heel Ap And obliq 640.00-640.00
391 X-RAY RIGHT HIP AP/LAT 700.00-700.00
392 X-RAY RIGHT HIP JOINT 320.00-320.00
393 X-RAY Right Hip Jt AP 320.00-320.00
394 X-RAY Right Hip JT AP and Lat 640.00-640.00
395 X-RAY RIGHT HIP JT LAT 320.00-320.00
396 X-RAY Right humar Ap La 640.00-640.00
397 X-RAY RIGHT INDEX FINGER 500.00-700.00
398 X-RAY RIGHT KNEE AP & LAT 560.00-560.00
399 X-RAY Right Knee AP And Lat and Skyline View 960.00-960.00
400 X-RAY Right Knee AP And Lateral Sunrise View 960.00-960.00
402 X-RAY Right Leg AP and Lat View 640.00-640.00
403 X-RAY Right Little Finger AP and LAT 640.00-640.00
404 X-RAY Right little Finger Ap Lat and Oblique 640.00-640.00
405 X-RAY Right Mandible AP and Lat 640.00-640.00
406 X-RAY Right Mandible AP and Oblique 640.00-640.00
407 X-RAY Right Oblique 320.00-320.00
408 X-RAY Right Shoulder AP and Lateral view 640.00-640.00
409 X-RAY Right shoulder AP and Oblique 640.00-640.00
410 X-RAY RIGHT SHOULDER AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
412 X-RAY Right Thigh AP LA 640.00-640.00
413 X-RAY Right Thumb AP and LAT 640.00-640.00
414 X-RAY Right Tibia AP and Lat 640.00-640.00
415 X-RAY Right Wrist AP and Lat View 640.00-640.00
416 X-RAY S I Joint ap view 320.00-320.00
417 X-RAY S I Joints AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
418 X-RAY Sacral & coccyx Lat 500.00-560.00
419 X-Ray Sacro-Coccyx AP & Lateral 600.00-600.00
420 X-Ray Sacro-Coccyx Lateral View 300.00-300.00
421 X-RAY SACRUM AP 250.00-250.00
422 X-RAY Sacrum AP and Lat View 640.00-640.00
423 X-RAY Sacrum Coccyz AP LAt 640.00-640.00
424 X-RAY SACRUM/COCCYX LAT 350.00-350.00
425 X-RAY Scanogram AP and Lateral View 2560.00-2560.00
426 X-RAY SCAPULA AP/LAT 700.00-700.00
427 X-Ray Screening of Extremities 150.00-150.00
428 X-RAY SHOULDER 300.00-300.00
429 X-RAY SHOULDER RIGHT - AP 250.00-250.00
430 X-RAY SHOULDER (AP/LAT VIEW) 700.00-700.00
431 X-RAY SHOULDER AP 300.00-350.00
432 X-RAY SHOULDER LEFT - AP 250.00-250.00
433 X-Ray SHOULDER RIGHT AP+LAT 500.00-500.00
434 X-RAY SHOULDER VIEW 500.00-560.00
435 X-RAY SHOULDER WITH ARM AP/LAT 700.00-700.00
436 X-RAY SINGLE FOOT AP/LAT 700.00-700.00
437 X-RAY SINGLE KNEE LAT 350.00-350.00
438 X-RAY SINGLE VIEW 280.00-280.00
439 X-RAY SKULL 600.00-600.00
440 X-RAY Skull AP and Lat View 640.00-640.00
441 X-RAY Skull AP and Lateral View 640.00-640.00
442 X-Ray Skull Base Of Skull 300.00-300.00
443 X-Ray SKULL PA + LAT 500.00-720.00
444 X-RAY Sky line AP Lat 640.00-640.00
445 X-RAY Spine Scanogram AP LAT FLEXION 2560.00-2560.00
446 X-RAY STERNUM LATERAL 320.00-320.00
447 X-RAY TEMPORAL BONE AP LA 640.00-640.00
448 X-RAY THIGH BONE AP 300.00-300.00
449 X-RAY THIGH BONE AP/LAT 500.00-500.00
450 X-Ray Thoracic Inlet 150.00-150.00
451 X-RAY THORACIC SPINE (AP/LAT VIEW) 700.00-700.00
452 X-Ray THORACIC SPINE AP+LAT 560.00-800.00
453 X-RAY Thumb Ap 320.00-320.00
454 X-RAY THUMB AP/OBL 700.00-700.00
455 X-RAY TM JOINT 320.00-700.00
456 X-RAY Tm Joint Closed Mouth 250.00-320.00
457 X-RAY Tm Joint Open Mouth 250.00-320.00
458 X-RAY Towens View 300.00-300.00
459 X-Ray True Size Of Any Xray 300.00-300.00
460 X-RAY Uppar Limb Elbow 500.00-500.00
461 X-RAY Uppar Limb Wrist 500.00-500.00
462 X-RAY Visipack Contrast 1600.00-1600.00
463 X-RAY- KNEE JOINTS 500.00-500.00
464 XRAY LT LEG - AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
465 XRAY -RT ANKLE - AP /LAT VIEW 400.00-400.00
466 XRAY ABDOMEN SUPINE AP 200.00-200.00
467 XRAY ANKLE (2 VIEW) 800.00-800.00
468 XRAY AP/LAT 500.00-500.00
469 XRAY BOTH ELBOW - AP/LAT 800.00-800.00
470 XRAY BOTH FOOT - AP VIEW 400.00-400.00
471 XRAY BOTH FOOT - LAT VIEW 400.00-400.00
472 XRAY BOTH FOOT - OBL VIEW 400.00-400.00
473 XRAY BOTH HEEL - AP / LAT / AXIAL 1200.00-1200.00
474 XRAY BOTH KNEE - STANDING VIEW 400.00-640.00
475 XRAY BOTH LEG - LAT VIEW 400.00-400.00
476 XRAY BOTH WRIST - LAT VIEW 400.00-640.00
477 XRAY FEMUR BOTH AP /LAT 800.00-800.00
478 XRAY FEMUR LAT 200.00-200.00
479 XRAY HAND BOTH OBLIQUE 500.00-500.00
480 XRAY HUMERUS LEFT AP 250.00-250.00
481 XRAY HUMERUS RIGHT AP 250.00-250.00
482 XRAY JUDETHIAL BOTH LAT 400.00-400.00
483 XRAY KNEE BOTH AP & LAT 1000.00-1000.00
484 Xray Left Ankle AP 320.00-320.00
485 Xray Left Femur AP 250.00-320.00
486 Xray Left Knee AP 320.00-320.00
487 XRAY LT HAND - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
488 XRAY LT LEG - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
489 XRAY LT LEG - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
490 XRAY LT SHOULDER - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
491 XRAY LT ARM - AP /LAT VIEW 400.00-400.00
492 XRAY LT ARM - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
493 XRAY LT ARM - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
494 XRAY LT ELBOW - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
495 XRAY LT ELBOW - AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
496 XRAY LT ELBOW - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
497 XRAY LT FOOT - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
498 XRAY LT FOOT - AP/LAT/OBLIQUE 600.00-600.00
499 XRAY LT FOOT - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
500 XRAY LT FOOT - OBL VIEW 200.00-200.00
501 XRAY LT FOREARM - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
502 XRAY LT FOREARM - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
503 XRAY LT FOREARM -AP/ LAT VIEW 400.00-400.00
504 XRAY LT HAND - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
505 XRAY LT HAND - AP/OBL 400.00-400.00
506 XRAY LT HEEL - AP / LAT / AXIAL 600.00-600.00
507 XRAY LT HEEL - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
508 XRAY LT HEEL - AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
509 XRAY LT HEEL - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
510 XRAY LT KNEE - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
511 XRAY LT KNEE - AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
512 XRAY LT KNEE - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
513 XRAY LT KNEE - STANDING VIEW 200.00-200.00
514 XRAY LT SHOULDER - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
515 XRAY LT SHOULDER - AP/AXIL 400.00-400.00
516 XRAY LT WRIST - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
517 XRAY LT WRIST - AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
518 XRAY LT WRIST - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
519 Xray Lumbar Spine Flexion / Extension 560.00-560.00
520 XRAY MANDIBLE BOTH AP 400.00-400.00
521 XRAY MANDIBLE BOTH LAT 400.00-400.00
522 XRAY MESTROID BOTH LAT 400.00-400.00
523 XRAY NECK AP 200.00-320.00
524 XRAY NESAL BONE BOTH 400.00-400.00
525 XRAY PBH - AP VIEW 320.00-320.00
527 Xray Right Knee AP 320.00-320.00
528 XRAY RT HAND - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
529 XRAY RT ARM - AP /LAT VIEW 400.00-400.00
530 XRAY RT ARM - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
531 XRAY RT ARM - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
532 XRAY RT ELBOW - AP / LAT / FLEX / EXTN 800.00-800.00
533 XRAY RT ELBOW - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
534 XRAY RT ELBOW - AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
535 XRAY RT ELBOW - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
536 XRAY RT FOOT - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
537 XRAY RT FOOT - AP/LAT/OBLIQUE 400.00-400.00
538 XRAY RT FOOT - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
539 XRAY RT FOREARM - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
540 XRAY RT FOREARM -AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
541 XRAY RT FOREARM AP/ LAT VIEW 400.00-400.00
542 XRAY RT HAND - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
543 XRAY RT HAND - AP/LAT/OBL 600.00-600.00
544 XRAY RT HEEL - AP / LAT / AXIAL 600.00-600.00
545 XRAY RT HEEL - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
546 XRAY RT HEEL - AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
547 XRAY RT HEEL - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
548 XRAY RT KNEE - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
549 XRAY RT KNEE - AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
550 XRAY RT KNEE - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
551 XRAY RT KNEE - STANDING VIEW 200.00-200.00
552 XRAY RT LEG - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
553 XRAY RT LEG- AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
554 XRAY RT SHOULDER -AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
555 XRAY RT SHOULDER - AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
556 XRAY RT SHOULDER - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
557 XRAY RT SHOULDER AP / AXIL 400.00-400.00
558 XRAY RT WRIST - AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
559 XRAY RT WRIST - AP/LAT 400.00-400.00
560 XRAY RT WRIST - LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
561 XRAY SACRUM & COCCYX - AP/LAT VIEW 560.00-560.00
563 XRAY SKULL - BOTH SIDE VIEW 400.00-400.00
564 Xray Skull PA View 250.00-250.00
565 XRAY STYLOID PROCESSES 320.00-320.00
566 XRAY T L SPINE AP 300.00-300.00
567 XRAY T L SPINE AP/LAT 300.00-300.00
568 XRAY T L SPINE LAT 300.00-300.00
569 XRAY-LT ANKLE AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
570 XRAY-LT ANKLE AP/LAT VIEW 400.00-400.00
571 XRAY-LT ANKLE LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
572 XRAY-PBH 280.00-300.00
573 XRAY-RT ANKLE AP VIEW 200.00-200.00
574 XRAY-RT ANKLE AP/LAT/MORT 600.00-600.00
575 XRAY-RT ANKLE LAT VIEW 200.00-200.00
576 XRAYLT SHOULDER AP / LAT 400.00-400.00